The Process

The Process

To launch your product, collaborate with a professional team

In three stages, you may go from a napkin sketch to a fully produced mobile app or web app. Then you can expand on those accomplishments.

Many considerations must be made while developing bespoke software, just as they would when creating a custom home. The Solution Factory is equivalent to hiring an architect to design your new bespoke home before having a builder lay the foundation. A detailed plan puts your design and development teams on the same page.

3 Years








Step 1

The Solutions Factory

Many considerations must be made while developing bespoke software, just as they would when creating a custom home. The Solution Factory is equivalent to hiring an architect to design your new bespoke home before having a builder lay the foundation. A detailed plan puts your design and development teams on the same page.

How do you know where to begin?

The issue with bespoke software is that you'll pitch the identical app concept to a dozen different companies, only to receive bids ranging from $50,000 to $500,000. How do you know whether you've made the proper choice? This is why we start by learning exactly what you want to achieve. Then, without leaving anything out, we determine the easiest solution to address your problem.


Follow the Minimum Viable Product methodology.

Assume you're attempting to solve the transportation problem of travelling from point A to point B. Unless you're an eccentric millionaire, starting a vehicle company from scratch would be prohibitively expensive. Your consumers may not even require - or desire - a car. This is why, in order to get paying customers in the door, we start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).


The Solutions Factory Output

The Solution Factory provides you with a blueprint that describes the specific features and functionalities of your software project in both written and visual form. This includes an examination of your app's or website's business model, risks to consider before proceeding, and a plan for the time and money commitment necessary to bring it to completion.

step 2

Graphic design & prototyping

You'll get a complete simulation of your digital product that shows how each screen looks, feels, and works. Each each screen of your app or website becomes a usable prototype. Install it on your phone or provide a link, and you will receive funding from investors, validation from prospective users, and feedback from stakeholders. With this support, you can confidently begin development.

Step 3


Your fully functional, installable software or website is now ready to welcome users, perform the specified purpose, and make cash. We quote each feature separately, so you know exactly how much it will cost to add those nice-to-have features in future revisions. This also guarantees that your first version has all of the essential features without exceeding your budget.

Numerous of our clients consider these to be version updates. You began with a base model and thereafter regularly updated your program to include additional features. The widespread consensus is that on-boarding new customers and keeping existing customers is considerably more successful thanks to the continual engagement between your product and the consumer, with version updates.

step 4


Your focus will be on increasing customer happiness and engagement based on statistics and feedback from your product's users. As we manage the backlog of new features and upgrades, we prioritize based on user input.

Maintenance & iteration output

Regular improvement implementation makes your software or website more polished and feature-rich over time. Adding features keeps your consumers interested and your business running smoothly since your product grows in value every day.